Staying Afloat During Quarantine

Quarantine during the month of June proved that what I thought was bad could get worst. The month began with a desire that I could not shake, to bake…so I did. I baked red velvet cupcakes with buttercream icing. I remember baking in the midst of listening to the escalation of protests across the country on CNN. Baking was meant to calm my nerves and even distract me. I couldn’t answer another text from non-black friends, asking for resources. I could not stand to see people label the protestors as thugs. I could not fathom that Breonna Taylor’s murderers were still free and I could not process the death of Elijah McClain in Aurora, CO. The fact that he had to defend his humanity while being murdered by police for “walking while black” is heart-wrenching, proving that the current state of affairs is in dire need of disruption. I was angry, hurt, and exhausted, so baking was my escape. The cupcakes came out delicious.


I work in Diversity and Inclusion, so this month has been extra intense. Sending major prayers to all of the D&I professionals out there. The spotlight and pressure is on us and it can be very overwhelming but keep pushing, you got this! It’s bigger than us and this is the time we’ve been preparing for; being a change agent comes with a lot of responsibility but it’s so worth it at the end of the day.

Things went from bad to worst on June 7, 2020. My dog, Charlie, the love of my life, passed away suddenly on that day and I have been battling with grief and depression ever since. I am taking this really hard and I am struggling. The void of him no longer being here is so big, nothing seems to be able to fill it. He was so loved. And he showed us, unconditional love. There were so many plans we had for him and now, he’s gone. Pray for me and my family because we are not okay.


On a brighter note, about half-way through the month, I was able to post some new content on my YouTube channel and get creative with my writing. I am still on my hair and skin journey, which are both a work in progress but I have faith. Also, my TV journey is going strong.

Happy Pride Month!!!!!!!I discovered POSE, which is my new favorite show. It allowed me to go down a rabbit hole of ballroom culture culminating with the Paris is Burning documentary. So much of pop-culture is appropriated from the LGBTQ community. I also watched an amazing documentary on Netflix called Disclosure about the portrayal of the transgender community in media. There are black trans lives that are being murdered at alarming rates. I am proud of our movement for making space for All Black Lives because they matter.  Check out the other shows I watched this month:

Tv Shows June

7 PM is one of the few things during this quarantine that gives me joy. I appreciate that every day at that time, my neighborhood gathers together to ring bells, clap, bang, and make a loud noise in celebration for our essential workers. It’s actually something I look forward to and a reminder that we are all in this together.

Thank you essential workers!

Thank you protestors!

Yall are the real MVPs.

Dear Charlie

32A211A5-569E-4188-A658-57A2749B4BDBDear Charlie,

The only thing that gives me comfort in your sudden passing is that I know you knew how much I loved you and I knew how much you loved me. You showed me unconditional love. You showed me reciprocal love. You mended broken relationships in our family. People who didn’t talk, talked because of you. I loved you more than you would ever know. I loved your kisses. I loved how smart you were. I loved how much affection you showed. I loved how protective you were. I loved your discernment. I loved how much you trusted me.  You were the most beautiful dog. Your fur, when grown out, made you resemble simba. Your ears were like butterfly wings. You were special. We were not dog people at all but you changed us instantly. You were bougie, your walk was confident. You were even a little shady and who doesn’t love a shady dog? I loved catching you stare lovingly at me. I loved when you turned on your back for a tummy rub. I loved your puppy dog eyes when you wanted some of my food and the way you held your foot up in anticipation of it. I loved that we had a secret bond/connection that no one could break. I was protective over you. I sometimes spoiled you. Whatever you wanted, I was giving it to you. You spoiled me too. All I would say is “gimmie kisses” and you would give me all the sweet kisses in the world. In the Bible 7 is the year of completion and on June 7 at just 7 years old you went on to be with the lord. I pray to be reunited with you again, one day. My dream last week told me it would happen but I didn’t want to believe it. Although I would kill for 7 more years with you, I am comforted that you are at peace. Your coughing was progressively getting worst and pained my heart because there was nothing I could do for your heart. The meds were not working. This pain, of losing a dog, I wish on no one. I’ve screamed and cried out to you in hopes you would return back to life when I saw you in the hospital. I’ve cried so much I’ve made myself sick but you wouldn’t want that. I love you and am obsessed with you as I always told you. Charlie you were a blessing! Thank you for the purpose your life has served.

Ky’s Career Journey Pt. 3

Part 3 of my career journey is finally a look into how I broke into media after five years. Two years after that I was promoted into a management role. It’s been a long journey, but the best part is, I am just getting started. Check out the final part of my career journey and how Mara Brock Akil sharing her own professional story pushed me into the industry of my dreams, but not without first humbling myself during the process.

Ky’s Career Journey Pt. 2

PASSIONS. I spent a lot of years during my career journey figuring out where I fit. I experimented with everything! I traveled, visited museums, directed and produced a talk show called Reserved, worked for TravelNoire, created lifestyle and travel blogs, applied to law school, got rejected from law school, you name it, I did it. What I didn’t know at the time, all of my experiences were shaping me into the career professional that I always dreamed of being and ultimately would help me land a job in the industry of my dreams. A lot of people frown upon working for free or following passions, but I am the number 1 advocate for this because it ultimately leads you to your purpose.

By Ky Bible Recommendation “The NLT Illustrated Study Bible”

For someone who used to struggle reading the Bible, this NLT Illustrated Bible by Tyndale priced at $35 is a real treat and makes me hungry to read the word. The Bible has illustrations, timelines, maps, historical context to guide you and commentary bullets. This is great for anyone! The baby Christians, the non-Christians wanting to learn more, the mature Christians…literally anyone!

You can purchase this bible recommendation here: 

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By Ky Book Recommendation “Foxy: My Life in Three Acts” by Pam Grier

I am obsessed with Pam Grier. This is actually a throwback book review from 2018  when I was first trying to start a book youtube, but never actually did it. I had just completed Pam’s memoir  “Foxy: My Life in Three Acts” and it was the best book I read that year. She’s been through A LOT! Some of which pained me to read but I couldn’t put the book down. It was a true page-turner from beginning to end.

You can purchase this book recommendation here: 

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