By Ky Book Recommendation: “More Than Enough” by Elaine Welteroth

This is not only a book review but a testimony. Elaine Welteroth is someone who I admire. Her career trajectory was meteoric and aspirational. She flipped corporate cultures upside down and paved the way for many through her boldness and advocacy for diversity and inclusion. I had the pleasure of interviewing her for work during her book tour and it was one of the highlights of my career. Check out my review of her book More Than Enough.

You can purchase this book recommendation here: 

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Prioritizing God and Self-Care in the Morning

My morning routine keeps me balanced and sane (but sometimes it makes me late). The truth is, I am not a morning person. If I’m going to spend most of my day at work, I think it’s pivotal to carve time out for myself.  But the deeper truth is that I use my mornings to spend time with God. As I get closer to God, I realize the importance of prioritizing him before anything else in my day.  In all honesty, it’s hard to do and sometimes, I am not able to, but the intent is always there. Whenever I  prioritize God in the morning, I have more confidence and I feel empowered. Yeah, things may happen that will annoy me throughout the day, but it doesn’t bother me as much. I have a sense of peace and protection over me.

Starting my day with God as my priority means, shutting off my alarm clock and not immediately flipping to Instagram. It means putting the phone away and replacing it with my bible and notebook. Then spending a few chapters reading and studying, followed by a prayer.

If I still have more time, I pull out my journal and start writing. Maybe it’s about the previous day or creating a list of things to do, but I use my mornings to reconnect with myself before I dedicate 10-hours at work. We spend so much time pouring into others and not enough into ourselves.

Below are some of my favorite books in the old testament of the bible, that pack strong lessons in wisdom, leadership, and courage. These book suggestions also show us who God is. God cannot be defined but we can learn more about his character by reading his word. Within the last year, I’ve studied these books and can attest to how powerful they are.


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Books By Ky

What is Books By Ky (Formerly By Ky Books)?
Well, if you’ve been a follower of this blog, then you know I’ve been sharing some of my favorite books with you for years. Something that I’ve wanted to do since around 2016 is start a Book Youtube channel for book reviews and book recommendations. This year, I finally took the leap and launched Books By Ky @booksbyky.You can learn more about it by watching the below video. Don’t forget to check out my book reviews which I will be posting on this site as well. In the meantime, you can purchase all of my book recommendations here: Click SUBSCRIBE to support and FOLLOW @Booksbyky on Instagram.

#Alonetogether – The Bright-Side of Quarantine

I will be very honest right now, before the quarantine, I thought I was going to burnout. Life was happening too fast. A lot of change in both my professional and personal life all at once was hard to process. I remember one day, waiting for the train in the hustle and bustle of the morning, I was probably late, and thinking to myself, how can I slow down? I daydreamed of possibly taking a week off, just to focus on me. About 2-weeks after that, shelter in place in New York City was mandated. While being sensitive to all of the uncertainty and turmoil of COVID-19, the complete pause in work and life was just what I needed. Thank you, Jesus.

I welcome this much-needed break to get in touch with myself again. I am so grateful for this time to just be. I love working from home. My commute was insane, crowded trains, every single day can wear a person down. I love spending time with my dog. I love zoom calls with my friends. I’ve been able to carve out time to read and write; My last post on this blog was in 2018…two years ago! I also listen to music and watch the Verzuz battles without guilt.

Speaking of the Verzuz battles, I am obsessed with them. The battle between Babyface and Teddy Riley...Babyface won in my eyes, but Teddy had hits. The battle between Johnta Austin and Neyo…Johnta won hands down, but I was reminded of all of Neyo’s hits. He should’ve played “Say It,” that’s one of his better songs. Clearly, I only care about the R&B battles, but I’ve followed the others as well. There’s been a drought of good R&B music so it’s nice to see it get some notoriety again. Jamming to DJ D-Nice on the weekends brings such a smile on my face and a real sense of community. I’ve literally added 50-songs to my Apple Music playlist because of his sets. I also had time to discover new artists, who I know will be my favorite, like Doja Cat. Her sound is a breath of fresh air. Would I have had time to listen to her latest album three times in one day before this? Probably not, but I did today.

Watching TV and movies without a care in the world is now one of my favorite past times. Below, I share some of the TV shows and movies I’ve watched in the last month.  Trust me, I have more, but was trying to limit my list (will share my suggestions more often). Unorthodox on Netflix was probably my favorite. Only 4-episodes but it packed a punch and left an impression on me. I’ve always been intrigued by Orthodox Jews. Especially since I grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Tiger King was so insane, I had to pick up my jaws a few times while watching. Awkafina is Nora from Queens, is hilarious. Her grandma reminds me of mine, just an Asian version. Malcom X was such a powerful movie. I believe it was one of Spike’s best movies. Everyone is throwing shade at #BlackAF but I actually loved it-Bring on Season 2. Twenties, is such a dope show. If I was ever to write a show, it would be similar vibes.

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I say this all to say that we are in this together. This is such a unique time of being still and we should really utilize it to tap into who we are and who we want to be when we survive this season of quarantine. Use this time to stay home (if you can and as much as you can), allow yourself to dream, practice discipline, take online classes, utilize youtube and other resources for fitness, practice boundaries with working from home and not allowing it to seep into your personal time, connect with family and really appreciate the value of life.


The 52 List Project – Journaling

The 52 List Project is a book that I rediscovered during this season of quarantine and it has served as a form of self-care, intentionality, and a means of escape. In 2018, I purchased it in hopes that I would complete it at the end of the year. However, from the looks of it, I’ve only completed up to week 24 and then I put it down to collect dust. Revisiting this book during this time was actually therapeutic. I was able to review all of my hopes in 2018 and reflect on how much my life has changed since then. Now, I have all intention of completing the book to my best ability. I never realized how powerful creating lists about your life, hopes, and dreams could truly be. Below are some of my favorite prompts from the book thus far. Please take the time to answer the below questions for yourself.